Powers and duties of village police
Responsibility of village police
Powers and functions of the village police
A village police patrols the union day and night.
Investigates and suppresses all matters related to the crime and assists the police as much as possible in arresting the culprits.
Assists the Chairman and the Union Parishad in discharging their official duties.
If there is no other instruction, he informs the officer-in-charge of the concerned police station about the condition of the area every fortnight.
Notices the activities of people of bad character in the union and occasionally informs the officer-in-charge of the police station. Inform the officer-in-charge of Othana about the presence of any suspicious person coming from the adjoining area.
A person hiding in the union, who has no public income to support his life or who cannot give a satisfactory answer about his own identity, reports to the officer-in-charge of the police station.
He informed the officer-in-charge of the police station about all the issues which could lead to disputes, riots or disturbances and disturb the peace of the people.
If he finds out any information about the possibility of tiger in case of the following crime in the union, he immediately informs the officer-in-charge of the police station. E.g.
Secretly removing corpses and concealing birth information,
Pushing a child out of the house to the point of death,
Damage caused by fire,
Poisoning or harming cattle,
Attempted homicide or suicide and attempted to commit the above mentioned crime or offense.
Any person involved in a cognizable crime or against whom a reasonable charge has been raised or credible information has been found or there is a reasonable reason to be involved in a criminal act.
If the demolition equipment is found in the possession of a person without a valid reason.
If any person is found guilty by any order of the government or under the Criminal Procedure Code of 1898 (Act No. 5 of 1896).
Any person who possesses all the goods or goods which have a valid reason to suspect that it is stolen goods or if he sees the emails he has a reasonable suspicion that he is involved in the commission of any crime.
If a person escapes or attempts to escape from legal custody or supervision.
If a person forces a government employee to perform his official duties.
If a person is rightly suspected to be a fugitive soldier of Bangladesh Army, Navy or Air Force.
If any of the released offenders violates any provision of sub-section (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1898 (Section 5 of Act No. 5 of 1896).
Try your best to mediate in order to prevent the offense described in the above paragraph or any offense acceptable in court.
The Registrar of Births and Deaths informed the Union Council about the preservation and birth and death.
Inform the Union Council about the spread of any epidemic or contagious disease or insect infestation in human or animal buffalo.
Inform the Union Parishad immediately if there is any damage or defect in any dam.
Provides any local information for government purposes.
He assists the revenue officers in collecting and collecting rent or land development tax, local tax, fees or other dues.
Inform the Union Parishad if any crime under the ordinance is known or if it is known about the intent of the crime.
He immediately informs the Union Parishad about the damage or obstruction of any immovable or movable property vested in the Union Parishad or the Union Parishad and intervenes to prevent such loss, obstruction or unjust occupation.
Issues warrants on the residence or property of any resident under the direction of the Union Council.
The village police can make arrests in the following cases without a magistrate's order and warrant of arrest:
If a common man arrests a person legally, he helps them and informs the officer-in-charge of the police station about such arrest without delay.
Bacon, a civil servant working in the village, assumes responsibility for any temporary arrest under the law and will immediately report to the officer-in-charge of the police station the person or persons he has assumed responsibility for or the person or persons he or she has arrested. If a person or persons are arrested in the dark of night, he or she may be placed under legal supervision in the village. But the next morning they had to be produced at the police station as early as possible.
At different times he performed his duties as per the law. In addition to the above functions, the village police also plays an important role as members of various religious, social and cultural organizations in the area.
In case of unnatural death or murder, he guards the body and stays with the body till he reaches the police station.
He always stays with the police when they come to the area.
When high level government officials visit, they provide all possible assistance.
The court issued the date of litigation and acted on the orders of the chairman and members of the union council.
The village court is present during the trial.
The village police work under the joint control of the Thana and the Union Parishad; Every week they attend the police station and the Union Parishad from time to time.