06 Keroya Union Parishad Office
Raipur, Lakshmipur.
5 year term plan
Ward Sector 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Ward No. 1 Communication (Construction of Rural Infrastructure and Construction) Construction of Brick Soling from Rahman Patwari House on New Manchan Patwari Road, South Keroa
2) Construction of road brick soling in the house of a crooked trader
1) Construction of Chhalimulsna Mizhi Bari Rastma CC casting
2) Brick soling of the road of Manchan Patwari house
3) Brick soling in the extended part of Chhalim Ulya Mizi road 1) Meher Ali Haji Bari road soling
2) Kazim Uddin Pathan Bari Rastma Soling
1) Brick soling in the extended part of Chhalim Ulya Mizi Road
2) Afsar Uddin Khan Bari Rasatma Soling 1) Haji Amin Ulya Mistri Bari Rastma Brick Soling
2) Construction of fuse box Bhuiyan Rastma CC casting
Education Health and Family Planning
1) West Keroa Government Primary School Furniture Supply 1) West Keroa Government Primary School Tiffiner Distribution 1) West Keroa Government Primary School Furniture Supply 1) West Keroa Government Primary School Laptop, Mordam, Pen Drive for conducting Multimedia Classes 1) West Keroa Construction of community health facilities in government primary schools
Agricultural Fisheries and Livestock Resources 1) Construction of Agricultural Seach Drain adjacent to Nur Nabi Patwari House on the south bank of C4 Canal 1) Construction of Agricultural Irrigation Drain at Meher Ali Haji Bari Bill Construction of agricultural irrigation drains 1) Construction of agricultural irrigation drains in the middle house
Water supply, sewerage and drainage
1) Construction of box culvert adjacent to Haji Ibrahim dealer house 1) Construction of box culvert in front of Nurnabi Patwari house 1) Construction of box culvert on Banna Bari canal
Social Welfare and Disaster Management 1) Distribution of sewing machines among the poor young women of South Caroa. Training on heat and goat rearing for growth 1) Distribution of sewing machines among poor young women in Dan Keroa
Environment & Tree Planting 1) West Keroa Government Primary School Tree Planting 1) Meher Ali Haji Bari Roadside Planting 1) Dan Keroa Manchan Patwari Road Tree Planting 1) Haji Amin Ulya Bari Road Road
07 Keroya Union Parishad Office
Raipur, Lakshmipur.
5 year term plan
Ward Sector 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Ward No. 2 Communication (Construction of Rural Infrastructure and Rann No. 1)
2) Construction of Brick Soling in the extended part of South Keroa Banshtali Road 1) Road Soling in front of Samser Uddin Patwari House
2) Doctor's house road sling
Kazim Uddin Mizi Bari Rastma Soling 1) Yagneswar Doctor Bari Rastma Soling
2) Doctor's house rastma soling 1) Pir's house rastma soling
2) Rasidma soling of Kasid house 1) Filling of Rasatma in front of Oshan Gazi house
2) The road of Kasid house is filled with soil
Education Health and Family Planning
1) Construction of public toilets at Dan Keroa Molsnar Hat Bazar 1) Allocation of furniture at Pir Fayez Ullah Dakhil Madrasa 1) Construction of community toilet adjacent to Kasid Bari 1) Construction of boundary wall of Central Keroa Government Primary School 1) Establishment of CC Community Clinic
Agricultural Fisheries and Animal Resources 2) Construction of Drain for Eri Paddy 1) Distribution of Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides for Agricultural Work 1) Construction of Agricultural Drain at Molsna Bari near C-1 Canal 1) Fish farming at Dan Keroya Reservoir 1) Reyaz Uddin Construction of agricultural irrigation drains
Water supply, sewerage and drainage
1) Construction of box culvert on the road adjacent to the house of Basir Ulya Pandit
2) Allocation for spreading water hyacinth in the canal pond of the ward 1) Construction of box culvert in front of Reyaz Uddin Mizi house
1) Construction of box culvert on the road of Kazim Uddin Mizi house 1) Construction of road culvert and box culvert of Fateh Ali merchant house 1) Construction of box culvert on the road in front of Benu Amin house
Social Welfare and Disaster Management 1) Construction of solar power in the office of Bashtali Cooperative Multipurpose Cooperative Society 1) Construction of ghatla on the bank of South Keroya Molsnar Hat Dighi 1) Construction of ghatla on the bank of pond of Fateh Ali merchant house 1) Gardening for orphans Molsnar Hat Ghunijhar Shelter Repair
Environment & Planting 1) Planting of Molsnar Hat Government Primary School 1) Planting of Molsnar Hat High School 1) Planting of Bashantali Road 1) Planting of Molsnar Hat Road 1) Planting of Dargakhola Road
07 Keroya Union Parishad Office
Raipur, Lakshmipur.
5 year term plan
Ward Sector 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Ward No. 3 Communication (Construction of Rural Infrastructure and Rann No. 1) Construction of Brick Soling on Extended Section of Wazir Ali Haji Road in Madhya Pradesh
2) Construction of saling from the mosque of Central Keroa Alimuddin Bari 1) Soling from the head of the paved road of East Keroa Hasimiji Bari to the door of Hawladar house
2) Construction of brick ceiling of East Keroa Golak Shah's house 1) Construction of brick ceiling of East Keroa Government House Road
2) Madhya Keroya